5th Salzburg Breast Cancer Talk: Mastering translational immuno-oncology
When: March 08 – March 09, 2024
Where: Hotel Gersbergalm, Salzburg
For more details follow the link: https://www.agmt.at/breast-cancer-talk-2024/
8th International CCS & 18th International CLL Workshop
After several years as an online event the traditional CCS & CLL Workshop took place again as a presence event in a new location in Salzburg. We thank all speakers for their fantastic presentations, all participants from the poster session for their contributions and the sponsors for supporting our workshop!
8th International CCS & 18th International CLL Workshop
When: May 5th – May 6th, 2023
Where: Arcotel Castellani in Salzburg
For more details, the program and the registration follow the link: https://de.cancercluster-salzburg.at/ccs-cll-conference
4th Salzburg Breast Cancer Talk: Mastering translational immuno-oncology
When: October 21 – October 22, 2022
Where: Hotel Gersbergalm and online
For more details follow the link: https://www.agmt.at/breast-cancer-talk-2022/
7th International CCS & 17th International CLL Workshop
When: May 12 – May 14, 2022
Where: Online
For more details follow the link: www.cancercluster-salzburg.at/ccs-cll-conference
The LIMCR/SCRI is supported by a grant from Gilead Sciences GesmbH entitled “Increasing efficacy of anti-cancer immunity during immune checkpoint or CAR-T cell therapies”
Grant approved in December 2019
The LIMCR/SCRI is supported by a grant from Gilead Sciences GesmbH entitled “Inferring HLA-haplotypes from existing whole exome and RNA-sequencing datasets to predict neoantigen presentation and anti-CLL immunity” (Schlußfolgerung von HLA-Haplotypen aus vorhandenen vollständigen Exom- und RNA-Sequenzierungs-Datensätzen zur Vorhersage der Neoantigen-Präsentation und der Anti-CLL-Immunität)
Grant ID number 06813
Juli 2019
REGISTER NOW 05.-06.04.2019
5th International CCS Workshop and 15th International CLL Workshop Salzburg 2019
Dear colleagues and friends,
We are pleased to announce the upcoming 5th International Workshop of the Cancer Cluster Salzburg (CCS) and the 15th International CLL Workshop, which will be jointly held from 5th to 6th April 2019 in Fuschl am See (near Salzburg, Austria). The conference will cover novel aspects of (epi)genetics, computational oncology and tumor cell-immune interactions, and provide an update on the most recent findings on biology and treatment of CLL.
For registration and detailed program please visit: https://www.cancercluster-salzburg.at/registration
Please forward this information to other researchers that might be interested in the workshops. Whenever you have questions, don’t hesitate to contact Mrs. Ulrike Tanner per email (u.tanner@salk.at).
We are looking forward to meeting you in Fuschl am See.
With kind regards from Salzburg,
Prim. Univ. Prof. Dr. Richard Greil
Dr. Nadja Zaborsky
Univ. Prof. Dr. Fritz Aberger
Presseartikel November 2018
Prim. Univ.Prof. Dr. Richard Greil, UK für Innere Medizin III der PMU
Salzburger Nachrichten
3. Salzburg Breast Cancer Talk
01.-02. März 2019
Univ.Prof. Dr. Richard Greil, OA Dr. Simon Gampenrieder, OA Dr. Gabriel Rinnerthaler
Salzburg Cancer Research Institute (SCRI) with
Laboratory of Immunological and Molecular Cancer Research (SCRI-LIMCR)
Center for Clinical Cancer and Immunology Trials (SCRI-CCCIT)
in cooperation with the Cancer Cluster Salzburg and AGMT gemeinnützige GmbH
SCRI - Salzburg Cancer Research Institute
CCCIT - Center for Clinical Cancer and Immunology Trials
Do you have a request or any questions?
Feel free to contact us – we will get back back to you as soon as possible.